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Horizon Worlds Lingo

Dictionary for Scripting/Building

May 13, 2023

Skill: Beginner


  • N/A


The Horizon Worlds' building and scripting community has a lot of terms that you may not understand immediately, but the purpose of this post is to help you get famailr with the Horizon Worlds' scripting lingo.

  • Script - Refers to a specific Gizmo used to create events and actions in a world.
  • Codeblock - Used to describe all the events and actions used to make a script.
  • Event - A specific set of codeblocks that executes specified actions once its condition has been met.
  • Action - A specific set of codeblocks that perform their specificed task once its coorsponding event is executed.
  • Gizmo - A specfic set of objects used to perform unique functions.
  • Pill - A named used to describe the pill shaped item used to refer to an object or asset.
  • Variable - A system specified or user created reference that is used to store data within a script.
  • Boolean - Stores only True or False.
    • Number - Stores an integer or decimal.
    • Object(obj) - Stores any shapes, groups, or gizmos.
    • Vector - Stores a position in X,Y,Z value.
    • Rotation - Stores an orentation in X,Y,Z value, can also be refered to as Pitch, Yaw, Roll.
    • Player - Stores an actual visitor.
    • String - Stores text.
    • Color - Stores a color in R,G,B value.
    • Asset - Stores an object to be spawned.
    • Self - A unique variable which refers to the object a script is attached to. Can also be thought of as the script itself.
  • Spawning - Refers to the creation of new objects within a published world that weren't there previously. Spawned objects take up capacity but can be despawned to recover it.
  • Player Persistant Variable(PPV) - Server level number variables that store data related to a player that persist after a player leaves and returns.